Lianja files


in App Builder this work..
but in App Center, this command:

select 0
SELECT * FROM syscolumnconstraints where lower(table_schem) = lower(dbname) into cursor cur_columnconstraints

not work..

error message: File ‘syscolumnconstraints.dbf’ does not exist.

I think this is not a real table..


Correct: it is not a table. It is effectively (don’t know what it really is) a stored procedure that reads the information for you. You can’t write to it

System tables do not exist in the system database, they are pseudo tables that are created dynamically.

Editing the .lianja file for an app is discouraged and unsupported.


while reviewing the example_jqueryui app.

I opened the app and went to the Page:Navigation Panelata Source and it showed lib:/treeview.rsp?ondblclick=page1_navtreeselection&key =address%2Bcity%2Bcountry.

I clicked on the ellipse and it brought up treeview.rsp in the script editor but it was blank. On clsing the script and returning to the page work space Data Source was showing

app:/lib:/treeview.rsp?ondblclick=page1_navtreeselection&key =address%2Bcity%2Bcountry

and the treeview wasn’t working. Removing the app:/ prefix got everything working again but the editor still brings up a blank script and adds the app:/ prefix. This occurs from the app inspector as well as from the page attributes panel. In the end, in order to view/edit the treeview script I have to open it from the library work space.


yes, that’s an editor infelicity. Same thing happens when debugging and you get the “Do you want to fix” dialog: the debugger thinks the file is always in the app directory. Click on “Yes” (you want to edit) and it creates a blank one in the app directory.


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