Comments [examples]

Add comments to a program to improve its readability and maintainability
&& open the table
use patrons index names && view in name order

Comment line
*open the table
use patrons index names*

Comment block
/*   */
/* open the table
and view in name order */
use patrons index names

Comment line
// open the table
use patrons index names  // view in name order

// declare variables
private x,y,z

Single line comments

// allows comment lines to be inserted in programs to enhance their readability and maintainability. The // command allows all characters following it on a line, to be treated as a comment and to be ignored by Lianja. The // command can be placed anywhere on a line, even following an executable command.

/* the following lines
     are multi
     line comments */
private x,y,z

Multi line comments

/* and */ denote block comments. These can be inserted in programs to enhance their readability and maintainability.

The /* denotes the start of the comment block, the */ the end of the comment block.

All characters between the two comment block delimiters are treated as comments and ignored by Lianja.


Single line comments

// allows comment lines to be inserted in programs to enhance their readability and maintainability. The // command allows all characters following it on a line, to be treated as a comment and to be ignored by Lianja. The // command can be placed anywhere on a line, even following an executable command.

// declare variables
private x,y,z

Multi line comments

/* and */ denote block comments. These can be inserted in programs to enhance their readability and maintainability.

The /* denotes the start of the comment block, the */ the end of the comment block.

All characters between the two comment block delimiters are treated as comments and ignored by Lianja.

/* the following lines
     are multi
     line comments */
private x,y,z