GalleryView [examples]

Tile caption

The Tile caption Attribute specifies the name of the column in the table (or expression) containing the caption for each Tile.

The ‘Lianja GalleryView Demo’ App uses the default value. This is equivalent to:

concat(alltrim(firstname),' ',alltrim(lastname),'<br>',alltrim(address),'<br>',alltrim(city),

Note the use of the concat() function and the HTML line break tag.

Content title

The Content title Attribute specifies an expression to be used as the title of the Content.

The ‘Lianja GalleryView Demo’ App uses the default value. This is equivalent to:

concat(alltrim(firstname),' ',alltrim(lastname))

Custom library

The optional Custom library Attribute specifies the Custom library containing the Tile producer and Content producer delegates. These allow you to define your own Tile and Content layouts if you do not want to use the default ones.

The Custom library should be the name of a Lianja script file (.prg). Clicking on the […] button will automatically generate the name of the script file and take you to the Script Editor in the Apps Workspace to edit the file. It will be loaded as a procedure library by galleryview.rsp.


e.g. GalleryView Section using the southwind!customers table

// libgv_page1_section1.prg
// The Tile and Content delegates just output HTML
// Use the '?' display command followed by a character string
// or enclose text in a 'text raw' 'endtext' block
// Use '&' for macro substitution

proc myTileDelegate()
	private m_title = customerid
	private m_category = contactname
	text raw
	<h2 class="title title--preview">&m_title</h2>

<span class=”category”>&m_category</span> endtext endproc proc myContentDelegate() private m_contenttitle = contactname private m_content = notes ? ‘<h2 class=”title title–full”>&m_contenttitle</h2>’ ? ‘<p>’ ? m_content ? ‘</p>’ endproc