CSS [examples]


Use the CSS Style Attribute in the App Inspector Attributes tab or Attributes Dialog to specify the CSS properties.

CSS Style can be set to the name of a CSS file.

Use the ‘app:/’ prefix for a CSS file in the App:

CSS Style: app:/myapp.css

and the ‘lib:/’ prefix for a CSS file in the library.

CSS Style: lib:/myapp.css

The CSS file can contain CSS property definitions for a single UI element, multiple elements or for the whole App or multiple Apps. In the App Settings, the App CSS Style file will be created in the library by default, allowing the same CSS file to be used by multiple Apps.

Alternatively, CSS Style can be set to a character string. Each property definition is terminated with a semi-colon (;), for example:

CSS Style: border: 2px solid green; font: bold italic large "Times New Roman";

To access CSS Style in code using setAttribute() and getAttribute() the attribute name is cssStyle.

Lianja.get("page1.section1.field1").setAttribute('cssStyle','border: 2px solid green;
 font: bold italic large "Times New Roman";')
? Lianja.get("page1.section1.field1").getAttribute('cssStyle')


In CSS files, selectors define the individual object or type of object to be styled.

Universal Selector

The asterisk (*) selects all objects.

It can be used on its own:

* {
	font:italic bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif;

or following an ID or Type selector to specify that properties should be cascaded to all objects lower in the hierarchy:

lianja_ui_page * {
	font: italic bold 12px/30px Georgia, serif;	

or preceding a Property selector to specify that it should apply to all objects with that property value:

* [user_attr1="16"] {
	border: 20px solid red; 

Note that this is the default behavior, so the * is not required.

ID Selectors

The ID selector #id selects by object name. For example:


In an App, each UI element is given a unique object id.

Page: pageid (Page ‘name’ attribute).

Section: pageid + “_” + sectionid (Section ‘name’ attribute).

Formitem: pageid + “_” + sectionid + “_” + formitemid (Form Section Field/Gadget or Canvas Section Advanced Control ‘name’ attribute).

#page1 * {
#page1_section1 * {
#page1_section1_field1 * {

Custom Sections and Gadgets In Custom Sections and Custom Gadgets using the Lianja UI Framework, the elements use the name property that you assign to them.

#nShipperID {

Property Selectors

Selectors may be based on the value of a ‘custom attribute’ or user-added property.

For example, a Form Section Field has a custom attribute defined:

Custom attributes: attr1=16

‘Custom attributes’ can be found at the bottom of the Data section in the Attributes dialog or App Inspector Attributes tab.

The CSS file has the following entry which will be applied to the Field:

[user_attr1="16"] {

Note that the custom attribute is ‘attr1’ and that it is referred to in the CSS selector as ‘user_attr1’. Also, that the value should be in quotes – here “16”.

Custom attributes should also have the ‘user_’ prefix specified when accessed using Lianja.get(), i.e.


The same Property Selector above will also be applied to a Checkbox Gadget where the property and its value have been set using the addProperty() method.

oCheck = Lianja.get("page1.section1.field10")

Note that here the property is ‘user_attr1’, matching the name in the CSS selector.

UI State Selectors UI State Selectors are special built-in Property Selectors for editable Formitems.

Select based on whether the ‘Mandatory input’ attribute (mandatory) is true or false:


For example:

	border: 2px solid blue;

	border: 2px solid yellow;

Note: the [lianja_uistate_mandatory=”true”] properties apply when the Formitem is in edit mode.

Select based on whether ‘Validation’ (validation) returned true or false:


For example:



Pseudo-State Selectors

Selectors may contain pseudo-states. They are prefixed with a colon (:).


lianja_ui_checkbox:checked {
	border:3px solid blue;


lianja_ui_tree::item:closed {
     border: 2px solid red;


     border-left: 3px solid orange;


lianja_ui_grid::item:!hover { 
lianja_ui_grid::item:hover { 

and combined with pressed:

lianja_ui_commandbutton:!hover { 
lianja_ui_commandbutton:hover:!pressed { 
lianja_ui_commandbutton:hover:pressed { 


lianja_ui_tree::item:last {
     border-left: 3px solid green;


lianja_ui_tree::item:open {
     border: 2px solid green;


lianja_ui_commandbutton:!pressed { 

lianja_ui_commandbutton:pressed { 


lianja_ui_tree::item:selected {
     border-left: 3px solid blue;

selected can also be combined with position pseudo-state selectors:

lianja_ui_tree::item:first:selected {
     border-left: 3px solid red;
lianja_ui_tree::item:last:selected {
     border-left: 3px solid yellow;


lianja_ui_checkbox:unchecked {
	border:3px solid yellow;



CSS and theme

What is the syntax for the “style” clause in the Browse command?

It takes a character string, but I believe it is for syntax compatibility only and is ignored.

If your Browse is in a Custom Section using the ‘Custom BROWSE or EDIT command’ attributes, it will inherit lianja_ui_grid and lianja_ui_grid::item CSS properties.

/* page1_cssstyle.css */

lianja_ui_grid {
     font: bold italic large "Times New Roman";
lianja_ui_grid::item {
     border: 2px solid red;
lianja_ui_grid::item:selected {
     border: 2px solid blue;
lianja_ui_grid::item:!hover { 
lianja_ui_grid::item:hover { 

 I see your page items can accept css styling, but is it possible to create one css stylesheet and simply link it?
CSS in the Lianja wiki
Yes, the ‘CSS Style’ attribute can be set to a CSS string or the name of a CSS file. The ‘app:/’ and ‘lib:/’ prefixes can be used to reference the current App or the Lianja library respectively.


I would like to reference the caption of page in a pageframe in my css file.


Use QTabBar::tab

Name: QTabBar.jpg Views: 16 Size: 110.3 KB


they want want to be able to create a UI using the very latest controls and toys from the PrimeNG library. This is why I raised the question about Angular 2 components in Lianja. It seemed like it should be possible


I use RSP pages to serve json result sets to Kendo and Jquery objects.

This way, I get to leverage the existing data logic that is already in place, and the rest of team can work in the bootstrap themes that the designers have chosen.


If I use it to style the textbox and specify border in the CSS file, will it format the border of both the caption and the data or will it just format the border of the caption as with the attribute available? I am trying to get both the captions and data to appear with white text over a solid blue background.


You need to use a CSS selector so that it only styles the textbox.

lianja_ui_textbox { … }

To style an individual Canvas Section textbox:

CSS style: background: blue; color: white; border: blue;

Or to do all sections on a Page, edit the Page ‘CSS Style’ file:

lianja_ui_section * {

lianja_ui_textbox {
background: blue;
color: white;
border: blue;

(Or for all sections in the App, put it in the App ‘App CSS style’ file.)




CSS and theme

you can design you own “themes” and apply them to your Apps. The c:\lianja\themes directory contains some sample themes.

In a custom VFP Section.
I have some buttons which I style in my stylesheet usingCode:


I have class named clsBtnBlue.
Whats the correct way to reference that in css file?
In the case of custom controls in custom sections you should use “Property selectors“. See below.

btn = createObject("CommandButton")
// you can add custom properties to any object like this
btn.btnstyle = "1"
// now in your CSS you can apply CSS depending on the value of custom properties
btn.css = 'lianja_ui_commandbutton["btnstyle"="1"] { color: red; } lianja_ui_commandbutton["btnstyle"="2"] { color: blue; }'

Note that the property selectors should be lower case.

You can use global CSS styles by specifying the CSS file in the App, Page, Section attributes.
If you are changing the properties and you want the CSS to be reapplied issue a redraw() on the object.

For those who, like myself, need a visual designer to create html pages, and want those pages to responsive (as when they are used in webviews in Lianja), here’s a very useful review of visual designers that work with bootstrap (which as Barry has pointed out is used by Lianja itself): http://tutsme-webdesign.info/best-bo…visual-editor/

Short take on the article: Pinegrow Editor, which is available for Win/Mac/Linux, looks like a winner on several counts. It’s not free,but is cheap. http://pinegrow.com/
producing webviews that will play nice at different sizes. In my case, I need to present original documents that can be pair up with a .css template that incorporates bootstrap so the documents resize.

I’ve worked with Dreamweaver and while in theory it can do the same things, the control just isn’t there. (Besides: Pinegrow costs less than one month of Creative Cloud.) I was able to produce what I needed (a custom report), but it was way too much work.Having an easy-to-use IDE for css with everything in live design at multiple device views let’s me get it right in much less time than I spent with Dreamweaver having to click here and there, and then redo, etc. My conclusion from that experiment was that designing was better off done directly with the CSS — which I ended up doing in DW, although that also was a pain because of the lack of an overall view of CSS — something Pinegrow does very well.

Now, unless you have a need for fancy menus or documents in webviews or fancy dashboards, and they have to adjust to device size, there’s probably no need to bother with CSS at all. But if you want to make fancy things like Herb does, and you (like I) don’t have his visual imagination abilities, a visual design editor incorporating bootstrap or angular or whatever will get you (and me) at least part way there.

What’s really great is how we can, with little effort (in Pinegrow it’s a matter of specifying the data target for an element) integrate this with the Lianja data framework. And have the webview itself handled by the Lianja framework. It’s the best of both worlds.

I want my .jssp page to have the same look and feel as the JavaScript canvas in the browser.
I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have the default CSS page included when you create an jssp or rsp page.
Either way, I would like to include it in my pages.
Just include the bootstrap css file from ../library/bootstrap/ in the html that you output in the .jssp page.
The LianjaWebFramework does quite a lot more than bootstrap itself as it merges jquery mobile and bootstrap and conditionally overrides some CSS and applies it to the HTML5 to produce a consistent and modern UX.

Is it possible that I change a command button’s CSS under certain condition such as the following. Eg: Upon clicking “Btn1”, it called “proc proc1”. Can I change “Btn1” background color to blue in proc1?

page1_container_bottom2.addobject("page1_container _btn1", "commandbutton")
page1_container_btn1.fixedheight = 50
page1_container_btn1.text = "Btn1"
page1_container_btn1.fontsize = 18
page1_container_btn1.click = proc1
page1_container_btn1.css = "background:red;"

proc proc1
//page1_container_btn1.css = "background:blue;"

Create your own button class with a click event that changes the background.

Put this code after the enddefine in the custom section.

define class mybutton as commandbutton
  proc click()
    if this.css = "background:blue;"
      this.css = "background:red;"
      this.css = "background:blue;"

Then when you addobject, use your class and not the default one.
so it will look like this.

page1_section2.addobject("page1_container_btn1", "mybutton")
page1_container_btn1.fixedheight = 50
page1_container_btn1.text = "Btn1"
page1_container_btn1.fontsize = 18page1_container_btn1.css = "background:red;"

Here’s a quick way to create buttons and add the built-in Icons.
You can also customize the CSS style interactively.

The Free tutorials are here. http://www.tutorialrepublic.com/twit…trap-tutorial/

For those that are looking to save time, have a look at the https://wrapbootstrap.com/
There are a lot of fantastic pre-built themes that you can use to style your app. I personally am using it for Ideas

They are not free, but cost between 10 and 20 USD.
Of course, there are a zillion free plugins too of course.

Here’s one site that I really like for freebies.

How would I specify the different parts of the grid in a style sheet?
I can deduce that lianja_ui_grid is the main component
Have a look at lianja_ui_grid::item

lianja_ui_grid::item {
     border: 2px solid red;
lianja_ui_grid::item:selected {
     border: 2px solid blue;
lianja_ui_grid::item:!hover { 
lianja_ui_grid::item:hover { 

CSS and theme

you don’t need to specify -webkit or -moz anywhere in the CSS.

Add it as a page.cssstyle, e.g.

################################################## ##############
# Page attributes

can we do the following settings all in one place in the app CSS?
a) Set the page and section headers colors in app CSS
b) Set the subtitle colors in app CSS
c) Set the page and section footer colors in app CSS
d) Set the grid headers colors in app CSS
e) Set the disabled fields colors in app CSS
The whole of a Lianja App is arranged as a hierarchy of UI elements with CSS selectors that give you the ability to theme the App based on the App CSS file. In versions prior to v1.3 you need to create a .theme file which sets the app.css=lib:/myapp.css. In v1.3 the App CSS can be specified in the App Settings.
The UI hierarchy is arranged as follows along with the CSS selectors below.
— Page
—- Page header *[lianja_ui_page_header=”1″] { …css… }
—— Page panel *[lianja_ui_page_panel=”1″] { …css… }
——– Section
———- Section header *[lianja_ui_section_header=”1″] { …css… }
———- Section menu *[lianja_ui_section_menu=”1″] { …css… }
———- Section subtitle *[lianja_ui_section_subtitle=”1″] { …css… }
———- Section search panel *[lianja_ui_section_search=”1″] { …css… }
———- Section panel *[lianja_ui_section_panel=”1″] { …css… }
———— Form section Formitem *[lianja_ui_section_formitem=”1″] { …css… }
————– Label *[lianja_ui_section_formitem_label=”1″] { …css… }
————– Data *[lianja_ui_section_formitem_data=”1″] { …css… }
———- Section footer *[lianja_ui_section_footer=”1″] { …css… }
—- Page footer *[lianja_ui_page_footer=”1″] { …css… }
Each Lianja UI class has a unique selector which can be used in CSS. e.g.
lianja_ui_textbox { …css… }
Disabled field colors can be set in the App Settings (there is an attribute for that).
As Lianja is built on top of Qt the Qt CSS is well documented at:
So in fact there is a lot that you can do to theme your App without having to hand code it.

In CSS, there is an ID function that allows certain objects to have different properties from the rest. How do you perform this in Lianja’s CSS?
The CSS selector for a named object is #name
Each UI element is given a unique object name.
Page is the pageid.
Section is pageid + “_” + sectionid
Formitem is pageid + “_” + sectionid + “_” + formitemid;
Custom elements use the “name” property that you assign to them.
A page is a hierarchy of UI elements each of which have the same object names so that a complete App can be themed.
#lianja_ui_page_header { … }
#lianja_ui_page_panel { … }
#lianja_ui_page_footer { … }
#lianja_ui_section { … }
#lianja_ui_section_panel { … }
Each UI control has a unique selector corresponding to the type of control e.g.
lianja_ui_commandbutton { … }

Here is an example that themes command buttons handling hover and click/touch visual appearance.

lianja_ui_commandbutton {text-decoration:none;border:2px solid #e2e2e2;color:#fff;background:#1d1d1d;cursor:pointer;text-align:center;}
lianja_ui_commandbutton:hover {background:#3a3a3a;}
lianja_ui_commandbutton:pressed {background:#219297;}

What I mean by ID is like you have several buttons, and while they all have the same format, I would like to single out a button, such as like the “OK” or “Cancel” button to have smaller font compared to the rest.
If the command button is a custom button created in a custom section/gadget then assign a name to it as i already explained.
okButton.name = “okbutton”
then theme it using:
#okbutton { … }
Also remember that a custom UI control can have custom properties.
myButton.addProperty(“smallfont”, “1”)
Then you can theme using property selectors.
lianja_ui_commandbutton [smallfont=”1″] { … }

give these buttons a 3D effect
I believe your code is skinning these with CSS already which overrides the native operating system look and feel.
Commenting out the CSS in your code will return to native windows command buttons.
You can also set the gradients in the CSS. I have already posted a link to the Qt stylesheet CSS reference in another post. You need to look for qlineargradient.
Here is an example setting the background color as a gradiented color. You can experiment to achieve the effect that you desire.
ui_commandbutton.css = “background: qlineargradient(spread: pad, x1:0 y1:0, x2:1 y2:1, stop:0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 255), stop:1 rgba(255, 255, 255, 255));”Screen Shot 2014-12-26 at 1.17.26 PM

I want my .jssp page to have the same look and feel as the JavaScript canvas in the browser.
I was thinking that it might be a good idea to have the default CSS page included when you create an jssp or rsp page.
Either way, I would like to include it in my pages.
Whats the recommended way.
Just include the bootstrap css file from ../library/bootstrap/ in the html that you output in the .jssp page.
The LianjaWebFramework does quite a lot more than bootstrap itself as it merges jquery mobile and bootstrap and conditionally overrides some CSS and applies it to the HTML5 to produce a consistent and modern UX

I am looking to apply CSS into a page, so I would like a list of objects in which I am able to apply CSS to. Is there a way to bring up a list of available objects in a page to apply CSS to, in terms of legal variables? For example, I want to see what is the equivalent of first-child/nth child.
Also, is there a list of attributes that are legal for each type of object? Recently I noticed that font-(attribute) attributes don’t work.
CSS cascades down through the UI hierachy.
You can apply CSS at the App, Page, Section or Formitem level. Only the UI items that match the CSS selectors will be affected.
You can also create themes and apply a theme to the complete UI hierachy by selecting the theme from the Form Tools Bar or assigning it to Lianja.theme.
So, the basis behind CSS is to match UI elements based in CSS selectors.

Lianja desktop apps are built on top of Qt widgets. You can study the various ways CSS can be described at:
All of the core Lianja UI elements subclass Qt widgets.
The Lianja UI framework uses CSS selectors to be able to theme your Apps.
So, you can apply CSS rules based on UI selectors.

if if you define a theme and select it from the Form Tools Bar then these are permanent changes. They are also effective when Web/Mobile Apps are generated.

The theme is a property on the Lianja system object,
Lianja.theme = “nameoftheme”

That’s what themes are for.
They are only relevant in desktop apps. Any Web/Mobile is statically generated HTML5/Javascript. In that case the UI presentation rules affect the UI layout.
There is an obvious architectural difference between a desktop app and a three tier Web/Mobile App that has a clear separation between the presention level UI, the business procedures and the database access.

Select a theme from the Form Tools bar and you will see the UI change dynamically.
Themes reside in \lianja\themes and unsurprisingly have a .theme file extension.
You can read the sample themes that are provided and see the format of these files which is quite straightforward laud out as key/value pairs.
Themes can be used to globally assign attributes throughout a complete application.
You can create a new theme and put it in the themes directory then open an app and assign the theme.

Also bear in mind that “themes” can be chosen from the “Form Tools Bar” at the bottom of the page builder. When you select a theme it is applied to all the UI elements based on the theme keys as described above.
This provides the ability to create App templates and apply all the attributes to a complete App at any time.

We are using a theme in our app – Theme2.
We want to change the colour of read-only fields [probably change the forecolor to grey RGB(192,192,192)] so the users know where data entry is required.
We can change the data colour attributes but they make no difference to the display either in dev or runtime, even when app is refreshed. The page is being put in to edit mode.
We can change the textbox label successfully.
try setting this as the cssstyle on the section.

lianja_ui_textbox[readOnly="true"] { background-color: beige; }

This works. Just set it on your pages or in your theme:

app.css = lianja_ui_textbox[readOnly="true"]{background:lightgray;}

That will change all readonly text boxes to lightgray.

We applied “app.css = lianja_ui_textbox[readOnly=”true”]{background:lightgray;}” to the css style property of a page and it changed all the captions but made no difference to the text box itself, either in Dev or Runtime.
We then tried to change the theme (though we don’t know where to put it) by adding as follows :

################################################## ##############
# App attributes
app.css = lianja_ui_textbox[readOnly="true"]{background:lightgray;}

That made no difference at all. This certainly needs to be at the theme level so that Edit() doesn’t change everything.
Try this in the theme file:


The theme files can reference:
Also bear in mind that “themes” can be chosen from the “Form Tools Bar” at the bottom of the page builder. When you select a theme it is applied to all the UI elements based on the theme keys as described above.
This provides the ability to create App templates and apply all the attributes to a complete App at any time.

What is a QR code?
How can I generate a QR code in Lianja?
Then write a small .rsp page and generate it into a WebView section.
Where can I get the code from?